Published on November 20, 2022 by AliveCor India

Are eggs risky for heart health?

Eggs include a wide range of vital nutrients in addition to being a significant source of dietary cholesterol. Whether eating eggs is good for your heart or bad for it depends on the data. According to a 2018 study in the Journal Heart, people who ate eggs regularly, roughly one egg per day, had a much lower risk of heart disease and stroke than people who ate eggs less frequently. This study involved nearly 500,000 adults in China. The authors of this work have now conducted a population-based study to examine how egg consumption influences blood markers of cardiovascular health in order to better understand this association.

The sunny side of consuming eggs

When it comes to eating healthy, there has been discussion over eggs for a long time. However, doctors now agree that even while eggs contain cholesterol, it's saturated fat—rather than cholesterol—that actually influences the levels of cholesterol in our blood, thus eating eggs as part of a healthy diet is good.

Affordable sources of protein and other nutrients are chicken eggs. They naturally contain a lot of cholesterol. However, eggs don't seem to raise these levels, unlike certain other foods, such as those high in trans and saturated fats.Up to seven eggs per week can typically be consumed without increasing risk in those with healthy hearts. Eating this many eggs may, according to some research, even protect against some types of stroke and macular degeneration, a serious eye condition that can cause blindness.

Egg consumption and heart disease have been linked in certain studies, although there may be other factors at play. Typical egg-eating foods like bacon, sausage, and ham may increase heart disease risk more than eggs do. Additionally, the manner in which eggs are prepared may have a greater impact on the risk of heart disease than the actual contents of the egg.

Other benefits of eggs

Effect of egg consumption on blood lipid levels and the risk of CVD has been studied for many years. The majority of studies have discovered that they have little to no effect on serum cholesterol levels. Eggs can be beneficial for enhancing satiety and encouraging weight loss or healthy weight management due to its low calorie, high protein, and moderate fat content. More protein in a calorie-restricted diet helps to maintain lean body mass during weight loss, according to a number of recent research.

Egg yolks contain significant amounts of important antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes. Vitamin A, which is healthy for your eyes, is abundant in eggs. The finest dietary sources of choline, a vitamin that is crucial but that most people don't receive enough of, are eggs.

It seems, eggs are good for your heart health. So consume eggs regularly and monitor your ECG at home with the KardiaMobile 6L and get more details about your heart health at your fingertips.

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